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Hello there!

Thanks for stopping by.

I'm Teri. By day, I'm a Communications Writer focused on Internal Communications for a company with 2,000+ employees. When I'm not working, you can find me playing with our dogs, shopping, reading, enjoying a cup of coffee or glass of sauvignon blanc, writing, or catching up on the latest episode of my current favorite show.


My husband, Brian, and I have been married since 2018 and have been trying to start a family since our wedding. We ran into some challenges that led us to a fertility clinic at the beginning of 2020, and–after many long and emotional months of testing–found out that my husband has a rare condition and does not produce sperm.


Our difficult trek to parenthood and the lack of resources around male infertility mixed with a global pandemic (i.e. lots of extra time on my hands) has led me to this…creation. A creation that I feel God is pushing me to share, because someone out there needs to hear it.


A couple notes before you dive in:


My husband reads each post before it goes live to make sure he's comfy with what I'm saying (we're an open book, but there's a lot of talk about his swimmers and manhood so I want to make sure I'm a respectful wife!).


I don't publish posts about where we are in our journey in "real-time" because we both need time to process our feelings before sharing. Posts about our actual journey are typically a couple months behind.


That being said, I feel very passionately about taking you through everything in its entirety  (all the ups, downs, throughs and arounds), and everything else that led us to where we are at this very moment


So, travel back in time with us as we recount all that is in our realm of trying to make a baby and failing–

every. single. month.

wannabe mom

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