dedicated to
all the women who
Yes, I'm talking to you–the wannabe mom over there in the back
The wannabe mom trying hard to not be seen
The wannabe mom who just experienced another negative result; or another loss; or another medical bill she's not sure how she'll pay
The wannabe mom who has isolated herself from her family
The wannabe mom who won't answer texts or calls
The wannabe mom whose heading to her first fertility appointment; prepping for her HSG; or starting her third month of Clomid
The wannabe mom who cries in the shower because that's where no one will hear her
The wannabe mom who's heard,"Disrobe at the waist down" more times than she can count
The wannabe mom whose best friend just told her she's pregnant (again); whose Facebook feed is blowing up with pregnancy announcements; whose fridge is covered in baby shower and toddler birthday party invitations
The wannabe mom who just found out her third round of IVF is a failure
The wannabe mom who doesn't show up to the party because kids will be there
The wannabe mom who loses it in the middle of Target; whose friends say the wrong things or nothing at all; who has a child but desires another
The wannabe mom who feels behind in life
The wannabe mom who can't get on the same page as her partner
The wannabe mom who's the only bridesmaid without a baby bump; the only one in her circle of friends without kids; the only one at work who doesn't share stories about her kids because she has none
The wannabe mom whose heart breaks on a daily basis
The wannabe mom who's angry with God
The wannabe mom who feels so alone
The wannabe mom who is about to give up.
I see you.
Even though we may not know one another–we're connected.
Even though we're not going through the exact same situation–we understand each other. Even though we're on different journeys–we're intertwined by our experiences.
Let me say it again.
I see you.
And I just wanted you to know that you're not alone.

Awesome post honey!